Hello all,
As I found out in the data base of ISG1 there are quite a lot of airports missing, at least in some areas (I'm flying in Africa in the moment). I tried to bypass the problem by using the FS9 flight planner which basically produces something which can be read by ISG but unfortunately without any runway information.
Now I'm looking for a proper bgl analysing tool that produces at least all necessary information in order to generate (e.g. by simple text processing) a customised file for the use by ISG1 gauges. The only solution I found so far was "Make Runways", Version 4.29, by Pete Dowson (yes, the one and only!).
My idea is, to use the installed scenery base as it is - at least regarding the airports.
The only problem is the overwhelming output of this tool which does not allow just basic text operation. The only complete information results in the file "airport.txt" which is for me about 119 MB.
However, I think the processing needs some programming before in order to find out closed runways, ignored default sceneries and /or changed airport data, magnetic variations etc. It does not seem to be impossible but if there is something existing making things more easy...
Maybe anybody has something handy already?!