Thanks, Ernie.
I understand the entry function wasn't really important to a lot of people so it wasn't included with this release--no worries.
My question is how to deal with the problem when it presents itself in flight, especially since it isn't uncommon for me to get them on VATSIM. For instance, in the example below, I'm inbound to VTU VOR with a hold that's been given to me. I'm on both VNAV and LNAV, following the flightplan created in the FMS.
The problem arises because the proper entry in this case is a parallel entry. If I shut off the LNAV button, the hold will disappear and I'll have to do a number of things to re-create it again (inbound course, left or right turn, length of leg, etc.). I could use the PPOS function but that would be even less efficient because it wouldn't have any of those parameters preset for me.
My conclusion is that if you are approaching a hold from the opposite direction, there isn't any point in setting it up until you've passed the fix, at which time you can create it (this assumes you want to enter it correctly) and the AP will fly it correctly.