Hello Ernie
I just got AS2012 and I am trying to include Winds in my FSbuild flight plans, which so far cannot do. I tried to follow your recommandations and here below are some comments:
1. Go to the Options/Export Directories page. OK 2. Find the ActiveSky2004 row in the Export Directories table, click on the 'Browse' button to find and select your ActiveSky folder. Press 'Ok' when done. Done and this what I get line 32: ActiveSky ACTIVESKY C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\HIFI\AS2012 3. Go to the 'Settings' tab: OK 4. Select 'ActiveSky2004' from the weather menu. My only choice is "ACTIVESKY" 5. press the 'Save Config Options' button. OK 6. Shut down, and restart Fsbuild for the new settings to take effect. OK 7. Start ActiveSky2004 and download the latest winds aloft data. I think that the latest wind aloft data loads when starting AS20122 as in AS2012, the box "disable winds aloft" is not checked 8. Go to the 'Build' menu (In Fsbuild) and select/check the 'apply winds aloft data' menu option. OK 9. Build the Flight plan you wish to use (OK) and you will see the HeadWind/Tailwind component in the last column on the far left of the route waypoint table (positive is TW negtive is HW). My last column "Wind" shows only "0" at each line/waypoints. In the Navlog you will see the wind speed and direction as well as the wind corrected heading. No such info in the Navlog !
Any clue on what I am doing wrong ? Many thanks Michel